Section 5 Building Your Relationship With God - 21 Rev Living In Faith

Question: We’ve prayed. We’ve asked. What do we do then?

God’s answer:

Give Me your unconditional trust.

Question: What do You mean by unconditional trust?

God’s answer:

Through thick or thin, no matter what.

Question: What can I expect moving forward?

God’s answer:

Expect the best for I shall always exceed your expectations.

Question: What is “the best?”

God’s answer:

Better than most

Hope and faith are two words that go hand in hand. When you have faith, you always have hope. However, to trust God is beyond hope for when one trusts, the element of “uncertainty” is removed. This is why God said “expect the best” and not “hope for the best”. When you expect, it comes with a feeling of certainty that something will happen --- you don’t know how it will happen but you are certain it will. When you hope, you feel optimistic that something may happen but there’s no guarantee that it will – so you keep your fingers crossed.


When one has complete trust in God, there is a definite expectation that does not waver. You know God will pull through, you just don’t know when and how... but you are certain He will. There is a joyful and excited feeling of anticipation of what God will do. It’s the statement “I can’t wait to see what God does” rather than “I can’t wait to see for God to do something.”

In the bible hope and faith are synonymous. The reason is that the archaic definition of hope is trust, confidence. In the modern definition, hope is optimism. So, in today’s world, the correct pairing would be trust and faith. God does not just want us to hope in Him; He wants us to trust in Him. This means Trust in God is the cure to everything.

Question: What does it mean to trust You?

God’s answer:

“Thy will be done.”
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